For those of you who didn't get the pleasure of seeing me spam promotional announcements on social media, we were invited to sit on a panel at the first annual RetroWorld Expo in Wallingford, CT this past weekend. Other than Ste missing his flight - and thus forcing me to pick his sorry self up from the airport 8 hours later - things went very smoothly for us. The panel was given by us and Robert Neal from RetroRGB, and it was titled "Ultimate AV: Getting the best video from retro consoles." Robert's cousin was kind enough to record and upload it to YouTube for us, and so here it is for those of you who weren't able to attend.
Giving the talk was tons of fun! Our crowd was a pretty decent size, and we had some great questions at the end there. If we didn't run up against the hour, we probably would have had even more questions coming. Thanks again to everyone who came! After the panel, we sat on a podcast with Second Opinion Games, which I believe will be coming out Wednesday. If you're interested, follow us on Facebook or Twitter as that's where I'll be posting a link.
The rest of the convention went off without a hitch, and it was hard to believe it was the first year they did this thing. The guys from RetroWare TV really nailed it. There was the usual vendor fare - including some with reasonable prices, an arcade room with consoles and cabinets and a tournament zone, and a main stage where 3 main acts played after an all day DJ (kudos dude, I don't know how you stood up there that long!).
If you're curious about the slides we were showing, I've posted them below so feel free to flip through.